TVA Asks Consumers for Voluntary Reduction in Power Use

The extreme cold temperatures and high demand across the TVA service territory has caused a critical power supply situation, and TVA is asking all electric power consumers to reduce their use of electricity as much as possible until further notice.

Voluntary reduction is needed to help ensure a continued supply of power to essential services throughout the Tennessee Valley and to avoid interruptions in service.

TVA is using all available resources, including the purchase of available power from neighboring utilities. TVA and local power companies are working around the clock to make power available to consumers.

TVA and local power companies also have to cut back on power usage in their facilities by adjusting thermostats, reducing lighting, and taking other measures to reduce electricity consumption.

Officials of the 155 local power companies in the Tennessee Valley are asking all electric power consumers – residential and industrial – to cooperate in reducing power usage during this critical situation. Consumers should:

  • Postpone using electric appliances such as dishwashers, dryers, and cooking equipment.
  • Reduce the use of heating by adjusting thermostats to 60o F.
  • Turn off nonessential lights, appliances, and other electrical equipment.

Status reports on the power situation will be provided on local radio and television for the duration of the power shortage.

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