The parents of 17-year- old Devin Ray Bond and the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office are asking your help to locate the boy who’s not been seen since he went to bed late Thursday night.

Friday morning about 10, Devin’s 9-year- old brother reported the teen had put towels and pillows under a blanket to make it appear he was still asleep in their Armor Place home, mother Heather Simmers says.

Many of Devin’s friends are out of town on spring break, and ones the family has contacted had no idea of his whereabouts, Simmers said. Detective Randy Groce is leading the investigation and reports the boy may have been in the vicinity of Barfield Park on Veteran’s Parkway Saturday. K-9 units have been in use there.

Anyone with information about or who sees Devin Ray Bond is asked to call RCSO at 615-898- 7770 or Groce at 615-904- 3049.