The ABC Heroes in Heels fashion show celebrates the passion, commitment and tenacity of the survivors who make up the YMCA After Breast Cancer program in Murfreesboro. More than 25 survivors will walk the runway to increase awareness for this life-changing program.

About ABC
Nearly one in eight of our neighbors will face a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. Earlier detection and improved therapies have increased survival rates, but post-treatment support can still be a challenge for many women. With the YMCA After Breast Cancer (ABC) program, local survivors get the specialized wellness guidance they need on their road to recovery. Available to survivors free of charge, ABC is funded by grants, private donations and generous corporate and community sponsors.

The YMCA After Breast Cancer program has served Rutherford County for nine years, supporting nearly 700 survivors. In 2016, 56 women benefited from the program. ABC is also offered at the Bellevue, Clarksville, Green Hills, Margaret Maddox, Robertson County and Sumner County YMCAs. It is offered in the Murfreesboro area in partnership with the City of Murfreesboro and the Sports Com and Patterson Park facilities.