Jessica Jackson

Jessica Jackson Named Next Principal of Blackman Middle

Jessica Jackson has been named as the next principal of Blackman Middle School. She first joined Rutherford County Schools in 2006. Previously, she served as a classroom teacher at Blackman High School and Stewarts Creek High School, as well as Page High School in Franklin. With 18 years in education, Dr. Jackson brings her experience…

Middle Tennessee Electric

Middle Tennessee Electric Moving Owl Hollow Substation

Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) workers and contractors are moving MTE’s Owl Hollow substation in Franklin tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23. Traffic is expected to be considerably affected during the moving process. Duplex Road will be nearly shut down as the load progresses along the approximately 60-mile route through four counties, which also includes Owl Hollow Road,…

Rutherford County Schools

RCS Releases Third-Grade TCAP Information

Preliminary data shows 43.5 percent of Rutherford County third-graders were proficient on the English Language Arts portion of the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program. This is a significant increase over the previous year’s proficiency rate of 39.3 percent. A new Tennessee law requires third-graders to score proficiently on the ELA portion of the TCAP to be…

Road Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for May 21-27

Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St) Expected Minor Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Site construction work continues. Minimal traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place. Brinkley Rd Improvement Project (between Blaze Dr and Timber Creek Dr) Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Incidental construction work continues. Appropriate traffic controls will be…

Reeves-Rogers Earns Tennessee Designated STEM School Status

Reeves-Rogers Earns Tennessee Designated STEM School Status

Reeves-Rogers Elementary, a Murfreesboro City School, was named a Tennessee Designated STEM School by the State of Tennessee during the STEM Innovation Summit in Nashville this week. The Tennessee STEM School Designation denotes that a school meets the highest standards of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) instruction and is a model for schools across…

Erma Siegel Fifth Graders Visit Middle Point

Erma Siegel Fifth Graders Visit Middle Point

Fifth graders from Erma Siegel Elementary School recently visited Middle Point Landfill where they learned about recycling, environmental safety, waste treatment and more. The tour consisted of three different stations, including a waste-collection truck the students could explore and even get behind the wheel. Each stop was designed to teach the children something new about…

Mayor Shane McFarland Recognizes Kaylee Rendl with STARS Award

Mayor Shane McFarland Recognizes Kaylee Rendl with STARS Award

Kaylee Rendl, Program Instructor at Wilderness Station, is the latest City employee to be recognized with the STARS Award—”Succeeding Through Attitudes Reflecting Service Excellence.” Mayor Shane McFarland awarded Rendl Thursday, May 18, 2023. Rendl was applauded for her customer service in responding to a Daisy Scouts leader who was seeking additional information about a program…