Road Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for Dec 24-30

Beasie Rd Extension (River Rock Blvd just north of Racquet Club Dr) Expected Lane Closures: Wednesday Through Friday: Riverrock Blvd will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation at Beasie Rd for waterline installation work. Road and bridge construction work over Stones River Greenway continues. The greenway trail will be closed around the existing Beasie Rd…

Rutherford County Schools

Vast Majority of Rutherford Schools Rate High on New State Letter Grade System

Nearly three-fourths of tested schools in Rutherford County scored either an A or B on a new letter grade ranking system, which was released by the Tennessee Department of Education today. The Tennessee legislature passed a new law prior to the Covid-19 pandemic which requires the state education department to rank all schools using an…