2018 was the year of survivors sharing their personal stories of child sexual abuse. Aly Raisman courageously shared her story of being sexually abused while competing on the U.S. Gymnastics team and her leadership launched the Flip the Switch Campaign. Survivors sent out their #MeToo tweets and the #MeToo movement was born making national headlines.
“Victims courageously shared their stories making it apparent that our nation is coming out of denial and understanding that child sexual abuse does not discriminate. It is present in all demographics regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or religion,” said Child Advocacy Center Community Education Coordinator Brittnie Noble. “One in ten children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday and communities across the U.S. are coming together and taking a stand against child sexual abuse.”
Darkness to Light published their 2018 Impact Report. Page 15 of the report recognized the Top 10 Organizations in the nation based on the number of people trained to protect children in 2018. Proudly we report to you that 3 Tennessee organizations made the Top 10 List – Memphis Child Advocacy Center, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Tennessee, and our local Child Advocacy Center of Rutherford County, Inc.
According to the Darkness to Light Impact Report, the Child Advocacy Center of Rutherford County trained 2,944 adults in Rutherford and Cannon Counties of Tennessee. For more information on the Darkness to Light Impact Report and the Top 10 Organizations in the nation: https://www.d2l.org/about/financials/#dflip-df_12373/1/
In 2018, the Child Advocacy Center reached a goal that was set in September 2012—Over 10,000 adults have been trained utilizing the Darkness to Light curriculum on how to protect children from child sexual abuse and what to do if a child discloses sexual abuse to you.
“Little children continue to courageously disclose horrific stories of abuse every day at Child Advocacy Centers across the nation and here in Rutherford and Cannon Counties,” stated Child Advocacy Center Director Sharon De Boer. “Many of those children first disclosed the abuse to a trusted adult trained in the Darkness to Light Stewards of Children curriculum.”
To bring the Darkness to Light training to your school, church, business, or civic group contact Brittnie Noble at (615) 867-9000 or bnoble@cacrutherford.org.