This Fathers’ Day weekend will be extra special for Anna Grace Arnold and her father, Clark Arnold. Without Anna Grace’s quick thinking and intervention, Clark might not have been alive to celebrate on Sunday.
On Thursday, April 23, Clark suffered a massive heart attack at home. Anna Grace, a teacher’s assistant at Middle Tennessee Christian School, had recently received cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training from Rutherford County Emergency Medical Services (RCEMS). She put her training into action and began CPR on her father before first responders arrived. Clark was treated and released from the hospital with no deficits on May 5.
“Anna Grace’s actions were extremely instrumental in saving the life of her father,” said RCEMS Director Carl Hudgens. “We are proud that our community education played a part in this amazing story.”
At the full County Commission Meeting in May, which Anna Grace attended virtually, Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron read a resolution recognizing her as a “Community Life Saver.”
On Tuesday, June 16, Anna Grace and parents Clark and Tiffany, got the opportunity to reunite with Dispatcher Jason Wood who took the call for help and Medics Kristina Yovino and Joe Loftus, who responded to their home. Anna Grace was presented with the hard copy of the resolution, signed by Mayor Ketron and County Commission members.
Tears of joy and hugs were the theme of the reunion as both the medics and the Arnolds shared their respective stories. The Arnolds remain grateful for the efforts of RCEMS that allowed them to spend this and with hope, many more holidays with Clark.