Murfreesboro Emergency Communications Center (MECC) Communications Specialist II Jeffery Harter receives the Emergency Number Professionals (ENP) Certification, becoming one of only seven in Rutherford County to attain the prestigious professional designation.

Harter was notified he received the ENP Certification in April 2023. Harter is a one-year MECC employee with more than 17 years emergency communications experience.

According to the National Emergency Numbers Association (NENA – The 911 Association), the ENP certification establishes the benchmarks of performance that signify a broad-based competence in the professional field. ENP Certification recipients will:

  • Demonstrate a mastery of the comprehensive knowledge base required for emergency number program management.
  • Help to raise industry standards and increase the respect and prestige of those involved in 9-1-1.
  • Confirm your commitment to the 9-1-1 profession by showing yourself to be a leader in public safety and pledging yourself to stay aware of current issues and developments in the field.

Harter is the 4th MECC employee to attain the ENP Certification. The Rutherford County Emergency Communications District holds the other ENP Certifications.