Marina Davis

Marina Davis is set to teach key and simple leadership ingredients. Davis wrote, “Leadership is not a title, it is a decision. Leadership is not tied to a job, it is a way of living.” She believes that there are many lessons to learn if we see the world as our classroom. Davis will share her leadership success stories, tips and tricks with RUTHERFORD Cable members and guests during the organization’s upcoming breakfast meeting.

The RUTHERFORD Cable monthly meeting is Tuesday, February 12th at Stones River Country Club, 1830 N.W. Broad St. in Murfreesboro. RUTHERFORD Cable members and guests are welcome, and the public is invited to attend. The cost for the meeting is $20 for members and $25 for non-members and includes breakfast. Reservations are available online at and must be completed by Noon Friday, February 8th. A limited number of seats will be available for walk-ups on a first-come, first-serve basis with an additional $5 late-registration fee.

About Marina Davis

Marina Davis has worked with thousands of leaders and teams as a facilitator, coach, consultant, mentor, teacher, and confidante. Currently, she is the Director of Organization and Talent Development for CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services and is also an adjunct professor at Northwestern University where she teaches several topics, including Leadership, to professional adults.

Marina began her career working with Hyatt Hotels, initially internationally in Budapest and then returning to the Chicago area to continue in training and development. She was recruited to work for ADP where she ultimately became their $2 billion Major Accounts Division Director of Leadership and Organization Development and was charged with creating what is now known as their ADP Global Leadership University. Marina left after 7 years to start her own leadership consulting firm, which is how CBIZ became a client, and now – her employer!

Marina Davis