- This event has passed.
Murfreesboro Loves
October 28, 2017 @ 11:00 am - 6:00 pm

As you are aware by now, several groups of bonafide white supremacists (League of the South, National Socialist Movement, and Traditionalist Workers Party) have decided to hold a “White Lives Matter” rally in Murfreesboro. The League of the South applied for a permit to rally from 11-4 on Saturday, October 28, 2017, in the inner circle area of the County Courthouse on Murfreesboro’s square. That application is pending.
Murfreesboro’s citizens reject their white supremacist ideals. The diversity of faiths, nationalities, race and sexual orientation are the things that make our community such a beautiful place to live and work and raise our families. And we intend to show them that #murfreesboroloves on October 28th.
This will be a peaceful, nonviolent, non-confrontational event.
Details coming soon. But this will include a march, prayers, speakers, fellowship, food and more.
We plan to make it family friendly.
This event will still take place even if the hate rally is canceled.
This will depend on the rally permit.
It will be in the afternoon.
The following organizations support this event.
if you want your organization to be added please message one of the hosts.
The list of supporters is growing!!
We got this y’all!
AAUW Murfreesboro
Advent Lutheran Church
American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC)
Bill Jakes Realty
Bilbro Trucking Company
Blackman United Methodist Church
Board of Church and Society- Tennessee Conference of the United
Methodist Church
Boro hoops
Boro Pride
Chicken Salad Chick
Contract Management Services
Cultivate Co-working
Daffodily Design
Eagleville United Methodist Church
Endure Athletics
Imaginarium community
Islamic Center of Murfreesboro
Gracepointe Church
John Mack Green-Attorney at law
Key United Methodist Church
Limitedwave Productions
Mariah Phillips for Congress-Tn 4
McPherson Veterinary Clinic
Media Rerun
MTSU Student Coalition Against Hate
MTSU Holocaust Studies Program
Murfreesboro Cold Patrol
Murfreesboro Muslim Youth
Open Table Christian Church
Radical Arts (theatre org)
Right Road Ministries
Roots for Refugees
Rutherford County Democratic Party
Rutherford County Interfaith Council
Rutherford County Chapter – SOCM
Rutherford County Libertarian Party
St Paul’s Episcopal Church
TEP Rutherford County
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition [TIRRC]
Unitarian Universalist fellowship of Murfreesboro
Urban image hair salon
Veterans for Peace Chapter 089
We are watching-tn