Latest Past Events

World Turtle Day

Barfield Wilderness Station 697 Veterans Parkway, Murfreesboro

Celebrate the world of turtles and learn more about these shelled creatures and why they are important to protect. Family friendly activities throughout the Wilderness Station area, live animal demonstrations, live music, and much more. For all ages. Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location: Wilderness Station at Barfield Crescent Park Address: 401 Volunteer Road, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Contact:...

Barfield Beach Party

Barfield Crescent Park 697 Barfield Crescent Rd, Murfreesboro

Who said there are no beaches in Murfreesboro?  We invite you to a real beach party at Barfield Crescent Park! Over 60 tons of sand will create the beach before it is used throughout the park systems.  Join us for music, dancing and a variety of games and activities. For all ages. Time: 5:00 PM...

Conservation Day at the Wilderness Station Barfield Crescent Park

Barfield Wilderness Station 697 Veterans Parkway, Murfreesboro

Building Habitat in a Fragmented World is the focus of this all-day event at the Wilderness Station. Learn about local wildlife habitats and backyard habitat improvement projects you can do yourself. Discover citizen science projects and volunteer opportunities in and around Murfreesboro. Meet representatives from organizations working on habitat issues. Enjoy a day filled with...