Following the success of the inaugural Cops and Bobbers event, the La Vergne Police Department is excited to announce a fall date for the event.
The bank fishing event is held at Hurricane Creek Boat Ramp on Saturday, October 15. Officers provide everything kids need to learn how to fish, including hooks, bait, and fishing rods. Officers will be matched up with pre-registered kids from the community to teach them fishing basics like casting and baiting a line. This is a registration-only event and walk-ups are not encouraged.
The event begins at 8:00 a.m. at the Hurricane Creek Recreation Area on Stones River Road. Registration officially opened on September 27 on the City of La Vergne website for all kids under the age of 17. Kids over 13 years old will need to purchase a state fishing license. There is space available for 15 participants. Priority will be given to children who have not participated in the event before. Registration is only available online and must include a signed liability waiver.