Chris Randolph and Mayor Shane McFarland

Golf Department Shop Manager Christopher Randolph has been named STARS award recipient for January 2019.

On Monday, December 17, 2018, Chris Randolph took immediate action in response to the sudden and life-threatening illness of an Old Fort Golf Club patron who needed emergency assistance. Randolph is another example of representing the City in a positive light, exhibiting the core values and creating a better quality of life for citizens.

Mayor Shane McFarland recognized Randolph during the Jan. 17, 2019, meeting of the Murfreesboro City Council with the STARS award for Outstanding Performance: “Succeeding Through Attitudes Reflecting Service Excellence.”

Randolph has served the City and the Golf Department since August 1994, first as a part-time Golf Shop helper then beginning in March 1997 as the full-time Shop Manager for Old Fort Golf Club.

Human Resources Director Pam Russell joined Mayor McFarland in presenting the STARS award to Randolph. In the nomination, the following narrative explanation was provided by Preston L. Wilkerson of Murfreesboro, the recipient of Randolph’s quick response:

“We have been residents in Murfreesboro since 1969 and a patron of Old Fort [Golf Club] since it opened in the 1980s. Thus, I have known Chris since his hiring. He has always been very courteous and polite, always smiling and has provided outstanding customer service. He had provided an excellent program for our Monday Senior group. His leadership and organization has seen the Wednesday Senior group grow from 7 to 8 players to 5o to 60 players weekly. This year, when the director of golf resigned, Chris stepped up to run the Men’s association. It has not missed a beat with monthly tournaments operating every month.

On Monday, December 17, 2018, while playing at Old Fort, I experienced a sudden illness. My fellow player helped me to the club house. At this point, Chris took control of the situation. I remember only parts of what took place, but I remember Chris sitting beside me giving me comfort and encouragement. He had a defibrillator sitting beside us, if needed.

He updated the first responders and EMTs’ when they arrived. After the transport to St. Thomas Rutherford Hospital, I had emergency surgery for blockages and two stents were placed. The doctor indicated the blockages were 99.9 and 80 percent, and if the quick and decisive action had not been taken I would have had a major heart damage. Chris also had my wife and son notified. They were able to arrive at the hospital by the time I went into surgery. Chris also sent out e-mails to my fellow players advising them of my status. He called to check on me after I was released and at home. Because of Chris’s quick response and actions, I was able to be home celebrating Christmas with my family. His actions were no doubt above and beyond the call of duty.

I am thankful we live here because of the people who make a difference.”

The STARS Service Excellence program is intended to recognize outstanding employees who embody the city’s standards for service excellence and exemplify the city’s core service values. The purpose of the STARS award is to recognize and reward those employees who go above and beyond their normal job duties in providing outstanding customer service to internal and external customers.

Congratulations to Chris Randolph for being named recipient of the STARS Award for Outstanding Performance.