Friends, food, and fellowship.  The Hollow Springs Community Church held their annual Fish Fry on Saturday, October 7, 2017 with proceeds benefitting the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center.

The event was organized by Pastor Tony Burnett and Ken Jones.  The delicious menu included fried catfish, hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, baked beans, white beans, coleslaw, hush puppies, and homemade desserts.

“We are so grateful for our friends at Hollow Springs,” said Cannon County Coordinator Cassell Galligan-Davis.  “The love and support this community has for its children is overwhelming.”

Proceeds from the event will support crisis intervention services to Cannon County child abuse victims.  Last year, the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center served 179 people, including, 106 child abuse victims and 73 non-offending parents and grandparents.

Established in 2007, the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center serves victims of child abuse, child sexual abuse, drug endangered children, and their non-offending parents, grandparents, and family members.

The Cannon Child Advocacy Center works as a multidisciplinary team with the Department of Children’s Services, law enforcement, and the District Attorney’s Office to investigate and prosecute child abuse cases and help children and their families heal from the trauma.  Department of Children’s Services protects children.  Law enforcement investigates the crime and arrests perpetrators.  The District Attorney’s Office aggressively prosecutes offenders.  While the Child Advocacy Center helps children heal from the trauma and helps families rebuild their shattered lives.  The process is coordinated, effective, produces results, and saves children.

“Pastor Tony Burnett and the Hollow Springs Community Church have been supporters of the Child Advocacy Center for the last ten years.  The Child Advocacy Center is grateful for their faithful support of our community’s youngest and most vulnerable crime victims – child abuse, child sexual abuse, and drug endangered children,” said Child Advocacy Center Executive Director Sharon De Boer.

If your church or organization wants to get involved and help children in our community, contact Cassell Galligan-Davis at the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center at 615-563-9915.