Hundreds of prospective students and their families will be visiting Middle Tennessee State University soon for a special recruiting event.
MTSU staff and administrators are preparing for the upcoming True Blue Preview Saturday, March 23. To register for the free events in advance, go to
Preview day events start at 9 a.m. in the Student Union and end midafternoon.
It is a special day where high school and potential transfer students can enjoy the full campus experience. MTSU rolls out the blue carpet for these distinctive events, with top university officials welcoming many future Blue Raiders to campus — the best time to explore what it means to be “True Blue.”
Visitors can participate in academic and departmental presentations, receive financial aid and scholarship information and choose from many different special interest sessions that are customized, based on the prospective students’ needs. MTSU will offer a free application workshop at both True Blue Preview events.
“We’re inviting transfer students and high school sophomores, juniors and seniors, many of whom are already MTSU admits,” said Tony Strode, director of MTSU undergraduate admissions. “Our goal is to showcase our beautiful campus and world-renowned academic programs, giving them a taste of the True-Blue experience.
“At True Blue Preview, students and families can meet academic colleges, take a campus tour, explore housing options and connect with our MT One stop team. It’s an inside look at life as a Blue Raider, and we can’t wait to welcome them to campus.”
The agenda includes True Blue Browsing with numerous student services and academic departments on the Student Union’s first floor and in the second-floor ballroom, hearing the welcome from MTSU officials at 10 a.m., taking campus tours (10:45 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 1 p.m.) and housing tours (12:15 and 1 p.m.), lunch from noon to 2 p.m. and more.
Prospective students and their parents and family members can attend special 10:45 a.m. sessions with most of the university’s academic colleges — Basic and Applied Sciences, Behavioral and Health Sciences, Jennings A. Jones College of Business, Education, Liberal Arts, Media and Entertainment and University College — and at 12:15 p.m. with the Honors College.
Student support services, including the MT One Stop for help with financial aid and scholarships, will be available.
MTSU offers guided campus tours throughout the spring. Self-guided tours also are available. For more information, call 615-898-5670 or email [email protected].
Admissions is located in Room 120 in the Student Services and Admissions Center, or MT One Stop, 1860 Blue Raider Drive. For more information, call 615-898-2333. Parking can be found in nearby lots. Admissions provides daily parking passes for visitors for daily campus tours and special events.
MTSU offers more than 300 combined undergraduate and graduate programs. Many are listed in the preview agenda and at