Brian D. Hercules, Town Manager, is pleased to announce Jason Irvin as the new Police Chief for the Town of Smyrna. Irvin assumed this role on November 29.
The police chief will be tasked with leading the police department, oversee department operations, develop procedures and programs to increase safety, and provide consultation to the Town Manager, Mayor and council members. “Smyrna is a rapidly growing community,” noted Hercules. “It is essential that we have a police chief dedicated to serving our community with vision. Irvin’s education and experience will allow him to effectively lead our police department and champion our community safety.”
Prior to joining the Town of Smyrna, Irvin worked with the Chattanooga Police Department serving as the Assistant Police Chief from 2017 until his retirement earlier this year. Over the past twenty five years he worked his way through the ranks of the Chattanooga Police Department serving as director of training, lieutenant in internal affairs, patrol supervisor, sergeant in internal affairs, property crimes investigator, major crimes investigator, school resource officer and patrolman.
Irvin holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. “I am honored and excited about the opportunity to serve the citizens of Smyrna and look forward to the opportunity to serve the community in this capacity.”