JROTC donates $1,000 to Police Department

The La Vergne High School Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) went above and beyond in their donation to the La Vergne Police Department to help spread a little holiday cheer this month.

LHS’ JROTC donated $1,000 to the La Vergne Police Department so they could give out gift cards instead of tickets. Officers across all shifts were given cards to hand out to the drivers of vehicles they pulled over while on duty.

“These young people are a great example of what the Christmas holiday is really about,” says Police Chief Mike Walker. “Their donation gave us an opportunity to make a different kind of connection with the people we interact with every day.”

One woman who was pulled over reached out to Chief Walker expressing her gratitude for the officer who pulled her over for not wearing a seatbelt, thanking him and his officers for their professionalism and kindness.

The JROTC members started with the goal of bringing in $500 for the gift card donations but dropped off twice that much when they stopped off at LPD to drop off the cards.