The July 2017 episode of “In the City,” Murfreesboro’s video magazine program hosted by Cecilia Herrell, is airing on CityTV throughout the month of July. You can watch this month’s show featuring The Great Race, a classic car event, on YouTube at


You can also watch “In the City” on CityTV (AT&T Uverse Channel 99/Comcast Xfinity in Murfreesboro on Channel 3, or on Roku) everyday at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. In the City is produced by Steve Burris. Airing throughout July, “In the City” also showcases:


  • A classic car event, “The Great Race,” with student racers from Central Magnet School made a stop in Murfreesboro. Cars and interviews from multiple racers are captured in this episode.
  • Habitat for Humanity dedicates its first house of the year on June 7, 2017. Video journalists Cecilia Herrell and Steve Burress cover the project
  • Three students from Erma Siegel Elementary School create an invention to help children with special needs play safely. The invention gained national recognition. Cecilia Herrell covers the story
  • Julia Williams talks about her time and dedication with the Murfreesboro School System.
  • The “Walk, Read, Write” marathon helps students prevent the loss of knowledge during the summer break. Students read books, write reports, and stay active by walking.
  • Plus, the Combating Hunger on Wheels, or “CHOW,” bus program helps feed people under 18 during the summer while school is out.


CityTV’s monthly video magazine show features previous programs online anytime, or watch “In the City” on CityTV (AT&T Uverse Channel 99/Comcast Xfinity in Murfreesboro Channel 3 and on Roku) every day at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. The most recent newsbreaks on past episodes of “In the City” can be viewed on our YouTube channel