Junior League of Murfreesboro

Junior League of Murfreesboro has a long history of supporting the Child Advocacy Center. At their recent new member retreat Junior League collected snacks and juice boxes for children who visit the Center.

“The children and families that come to the Child Advocacy Center are experiencing one of the worst days of their lives. Every child that comes for a child sexual abuse forensic interview or child sexual abuse children’s groups is given and snack and a juice box,” said Child Advocacy Center Director Sharon De Boer. “It is a comfort to them to know that people in the community, like the Junior League, genuinely care about them.”

The Child Advocacy Center serves victims of child abuse, child sexual abuse, and drug endangered children and their non-offending parents, grandparents, and family members. In the last 18 years, the Child Protective Investigative Team, consisting of the Child Advocacy Center, Department of Children’s Services, law enforcement, and the District Attorney’s Office have worked together to investigate and prosecute over 14,420 child abuse cases, assisted over 21,185 individuals, and trained over 9,485 adults how to protect children from child sexual abuse.

“The Child Advocacy Center is grateful to the Junior League of Murfreesboro for their long time support of the child abuse victims and their families that we serve,” stated Child Advocacy Center board member and Junior League sustaining member Elizabeth Renegar Parker. “In 2000, the Junior League provided the seed funding to start the Child Advocacy Center. Junior League has supported the Child Advocacy for 18 years by providing financial contributions, in-kind donations, and volunteer service. We also are thankful for the leadership Junior League has provided through their members that serve on our Board of Directors.”

The Junior League of Murfreesboro is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Community support from organizations like the Junior League is critical to the Child Advocacy Center. All services are provided at no cost to child abuse victims and their non-offending family members. To learn how you can positively impact a child abuse victim’s life, contact the Child Advocacy Center at (615) 867-9000.