The City of La Vergne has approved and authorized a citywide conversion of its streetlight system to new energy-efficient LED fixtures. These LED streetlights will reduce ongoing energy and maintenance costs while providing enhancements to both the aesthetics of our community and public safety. The project is expected to begin February 6, 2023 and should be completed by mid-April.
The total upfront cost for the project is $2,347,829 while the annual ECM savings is expected to be $159,726. Based on the savings, the project will pay for itself in less than 15 years, with an estimated 20-year return on investment of $4,356,932, for a net savings of almost $2 million over that time frame. The city has also applied for and was approved to receive TVA Energyright incentives in the amount of $40,847.74 for this project.
Several additional options were added to the streetlight project, which will upgrade all public Nashville Electric Service and Middle Tennessee Electric poles. Private security lights are not included in this project. The additional options include five new fixtures on Chaney Road, four new fixtures and poles on Nir Shreibman Boulevard, a new fixture and pole on Stones River Road near the Murfreesboro Road intersection, and three new fixtures on Waldron Road near I-24. This project will not be replacing the lights on I-24.
“This is a much needed project,” says City Administrator Bruce Richardson. “Our city will not only be saving a tremendous amount of tax payers’ dollars, but we’ll be improving lighting in several areas of town that are dangerously dark.”
Hydaker-Wheatlake, through their contract with PATH Company, will conduct the conversion and installation of the new fixtures. Most of the work will be completed during the day but there may be some temporary periods of nighttime work along some of the larger roadways. Drivers are asked to keep a safe distance away from crews while driving.