Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department (MFRD) Chief Mark McCluskey has named Brian Lowe as the Fire Marshal for the City of Murfreesboro.
“Through years of dedication and hard work, Brain Lowe has proven himself to be a valuable member of our firefighting team,” McCluskey said. “I have no doubt he will excel in this new role and continue to serve our community with the utmost professionalism and dedication.”
Lowe began his employment with MFRD as a firefighter in 2001. He’s a 27-year veteran of the fire service, and was promoted to Engineer in 2005, Captain Inspector in 2007, Battalion Chief in 2018, then Assistant Chief over the Training Division in 2019. As training chief, he directed the development to many in-house training curriculums, including the MFRD recruit academy.
Fire Marshal Lowe is a graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer (EFO) program. He is recognized by the Centers of Public Service Excellence as a Chief Fire Officer (CFO). He also a member of the Middle Tennessee All Hazards Incident Management Team. In addition to his fire and emergency management activities, he is a member of the Fire Advisory Board at Volunteer State Community College.
Lowe earned his Master of Science in Fire and Emergency Management Administration from Oklahoma State University. He completed his undergraduate work at the University of Memphis where he earned a Bachelor of Professional Studies with a dual major in Fire Administration and Fire Prevention.
Born in Greeneville, TN, his family moved to Middle Tennessee where Brian graduated from Gallatin High School. Son to the late Gordon Lyle Lowe Jr. and Barbara Lowe Brakebusch, he is married to Janet Lowe and has four children, Lucas, Caden, Isabel, and Liam.