MTSU has been ranked by OnlineU among the Top 25 universities nationally for offering great value with its online master’s degrees in human resources.


MTSU was ranked No. 20 for its Master of Professional Studies—Human Resources Leadership degree. The degree is administered through MTSU’s University College, which offers online and flexible course offerings for working adults and is home to the largest adult degree completion program in the state.


SR Education Group, an education research publisher founded in 2004, released an expansion to its’s “Most Affordable Online Colleges” listing by assessing the affordability of 29 popular online master’s programs across a variety of subjects.


“The recognition is important because it signifies the value of the degree, not only in terms of affordability, but also in the quality educational experience students are provided,” said Rick Sluder, vice provost for student success and dean of University College.


The strength of all of our online programs lies in the exceptional instruction provided by MTSU faculty, and the commitment of staff to make sure students have all of the support necessary to be successful.”


According to OnlineU, the purpose of its digital guides is to help students “accomplish their education goals in a financially responsible manner.”


MTSU has a vibrant online presence, and the number of courses and degrees offered has increased significantly in recent years, Sluder noted. As one of University College’s strategic initiatives, the university continues to develop online opportunities to ensure students have a variety of options to meet their educational needs.


“All of this is tied to MTSU’s Quest for Student Success to increase college completion rates, reduce time to degree and minimize an accrual of debt,” Sluder said.


MTSU and Austin Peay, at No. 25, were the only Tennessee public universities on the list. Find OnlineU’s full list at