A local Girl Scout is being called a hero after she saved her sister from choking.

Lizzie Anderson used a technique she learned in second grade from the Girl Scouts to save her sister Addison after they went to eat with their grandparents at Demos’. Even more impressive, she did it in the back seat of a car.

Lizzie said her grandfather had given mints to her and her sister. A few seconds later, her sister started to cough and couldn’t seem to breathe.

That’s when Lizzie unbuckled herself, then her sister, and gave her the Heimlich.

“It popped out on the third try,” Lizzie said.

She said her parents were obviously very happy that she knew what to do when her sister started choking.

Lizzie was awarded with a medal of honor for her actions.

“It’s supposed to be really rare because we didn’t even know where to put the actual medal,” she said.

Courtesy of WKRN Nashville’s News 2