Anne of Green Gables follows the misadventures of a wildly independent orphan with fiery red hair and a temper to match. Anne Shirley is mistakenly sent to live with a plainspoken farmer and his spinster sister, who thought they were adopting a boy! She wins over the Cuthberts and all of Prince Edward Island with her irrepressible spirit and imagination – and wins over audiences with this warm, poignant story about love, home and family.


The play will be held FridaySaturday, & Sunday, August 25, 26, & 27 in The Washington Theatre at Patterson Park Community Center. Showtimes are Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. (Doors open 30 minutes prior to show time listed).  The tickets are Adults $7.50/Youth (ages 4-17) $6.00/Seniors (ages 60+) $6.00/Perform Murfreesboro Members $3.00 and may be purchased in advance. Tickets may be purchased on-line at:


For more information and tickets, please contact Pam Williams at 615-867-7244 or email [email protected]. The Washington Theatre at Patterson Park is located at 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130.