Flashing Arrow What's Changing

City Initiating Test of ‘Flashing Yellow’ Left Turn Signal Downtown

The City of Murfreesboro Transportation Department will test out the “Flashing Yellow” turn signal at two intersections along Lytle Street locations in downtown Murfreesboro. The testing of the flashing yellow arrows will be tested in June at the intersections of Maple & Lytle Street next to the Rutherford County Judicial Center and Walnut and Lytle…

Plan Rutherford

PlanRutherford Community Open Houses

Join County Commissioners for a PlanRutherford community open house and be part of the conversation that will shape the update to Rutherford County’s comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan will provide the framework for growth in unincorporated Rutherford County and address other quality of life matters for the county. Attendees will learn about the impact of…

Under Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for May 8-14

Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St) Expected Road Closures: Monday through Friday: As part of the Oakland Court development, Academy St will be closed to through traffic between Palm Ct and Hembree St. Lokey Ave will also be closed at Academy St. Site construction work continues. Appropriate traffic controls and detours will be…

Road Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for May 1-7

Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St) Expected Road Closures: Monday through Friday: As part of the Oakland Court development, Academy St will be closed to through traffic between Palm Ct and Hembree St. Lokey Ave will also be closed at Academy St. Site construction work continues. Appropriate traffic controls and detours will be…

Stones River National Battlefield

Stones River National Battlefield Pavement Preservation Project to Continue

Contractors are expected to complete pavement preservation work that began last fall beginning on Tuesday May 10, 2022. Visitors should expect periodic closures of the Redoubt Brannan and Visitor Center parking lots during the week. If weather permits, all paved areas in the Visitor Center parking lot will be closed to the public on Tuesday,…

La Vergne Detours - Phase D

Phase D of Stones River Road Water Main Project to Begin May 2

In a few weeks all the work for the water main project will have been completed on Stones River Road. Meanwhile, crews are moving forward with Phase D on Hollandale Road beginning May 2, weather permitting. Phase D will require crews to close Hollandale Road from Stones River Road to Bon Aqua Drive to all…