MTSU Animation Students Win Best Animation Comedy at International Media Arts Festival

MTSU Animation Students Win Best Animation Comedy at International Media Arts Festival

Six animation students from Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Media and Entertainment won the award for “Best Animation Comedy” at the International Student Media Arts Festival in Seoul, South Korea. Dani Oliver, Ashten Royse, Olivia Armstrong, Star Akhom, Allen Marin and Emily Mishoe worked on the animation film “Bubbles” over the spring semester with…

MTSU Obelisk

MTSU Dyslexia Center’s New Assistant Director to Boost Research Efforts

Middle Tennessee State University’s Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia is continuing its mission toward a deeper understanding of dyslexia by bringing on Jennifer Stewart this summer as the new assistant director for research initiatives. “I’m very much looking forward to my new role at the center,” said Stewart, who brings her…

Sheriff’s Office Welcomes 17 New Deputies

Sheriff’s Office Welcomes 17 New Deputies

Seventeen new deputies completed eight weeks of intensive internal training to launch their careers at the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office. Deputy Chief Steve Spence congratulated the new deputies and presented them with their badges during a ceremony attended by their families and friends Wednesday. Training Sgt. Sean Vinson thanked the families and friends for supporting…

MTSU Cyber Security

MTSU’s Jones College of Business Offers New Cybersecurity Management Program

With electronic data being so foundational to modern commerce and industry, Middle Tennessee State University’s Jennings A. Jones College of Business is now offering a new bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity management — a profession that is expected to grow exponentially over the next decade and beyond. MTSU’s new program provides students with the foundational knowledge…