Experience Community Cannon County Interest Meeting

Experience Community 521 Old Salem Rd, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

The Experience Community is launching a new campus in Cannon County! Come out Thursday night, March 2nd at 7pm to hear the details and how you can be involved in all that God is doing.

Fall Festival

Experience Community 521 Old Salem Rd, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

It's that time of year! Join us for a free night full of trunk-or-treat, inflatables, food, and games! Everyone is welcome! You can help the Community Fall Festival by donating candy at any weekend service in the connections corner or by volunteering to serve at the festival! Sign up to volunteer by filling out this...

Stepping Stones Host Night training

Experience Community 521 Old Salem Rd, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

There are about 1,500 homeless women and children in Rutherford County. We partner with Stepping Stones Safe Haven 3 weekends a month to provide warmth, shelter, food, and hospitality to homeless women and children in our community. This is an easy way to make a huge impact in your community. We need volunteers to help...