Barfield Bash

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

A happy hayride in the backcountry plus games, puppet shows, story time, and live animals will make this the best Halloween celebration! Fee: $4/person Contact: Barfield Crescent Park @ 615-890-5333

Beginner Backpacking

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

If you want to try backpacking for the first time, but you don’t know where to begin or you don’t have the gear, this program is for you! The first day’s hike will traverse through shady woodlands with crystal-clear, mountain creeks. The easy trail will eventually lead us to the striking 50ft Greeter Falls. We...

Campfire Circle

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Campfires are filled with magic and make great memories for families, couples, and individuals. Join us on a fun and memorable adventure, and leave your worries at home. First, meander along a paved trail at twilight for a guided nature hike. Fall is a busy time for the animal,s as they have to make preparations...

Naturalist-led Wetland Hike

Murfree Spring Wetlands Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join a naturalist to discover the bountiful diversity that abounds in Middle Tennessee. Each hike, we will meet on-site at a new biologically diverse area in Murfreesboro. This Spring our focus will be on wetlands. Bring a bottle of water and join us on this fun exploration of wetlands in Middle Tennessee. Ages: All Ages...

Greenway 100 Registration

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join the Greenway 100 club! Walk, run, or bike 100 miles on the Greenway and receive a Greenway 100 t-shirt, car decal, and certificate. After you register, you’ll have one year to fill in your mileage on your Greenway 100 chart. Register at Sports*Com between April 8 - May 6, 2018 Ages: All ages Dates:...

Greenway 100 Registration

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join the Greenway 100 club! Walk, run, or bike 100 miles on the Greenway and receive a Greenway 100 t-shirt, car decal, and certificate. After you register, you’ll have one year to fill in your mileage on your Greenway 100 chart. Register at Sports*Com between April 8 - May 6, 2018 Ages: All ages Dates:...

Greenway 100 Registration

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join the Greenway 100 club! Walk, run, or bike 100 miles on the Greenway and receive a Greenway 100 t-shirt, car decal, and certificate. After you register, you’ll have one year to fill in your mileage on your Greenway 100 chart. Register at Sports*Com between April 8 - May 6, 2018 Ages: All ages Dates:...

Greenway 100 Registration

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join the Greenway 100 club! Walk, run, or bike 100 miles on the Greenway and receive a Greenway 100 t-shirt, car decal, and certificate. After you register, you’ll have one year to fill in your mileage on your Greenway 100 chart. Register at Sports*Com between April 8 - May 6, 2018 Ages: All ages Dates:...

Greenway 100 Registration

Outdoor Murfreesboro 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join the Greenway 100 club! Walk, run, or bike 100 miles on the Greenway and receive a Greenway 100 t-shirt, car decal, and certificate. After you register, you’ll have one year to fill in your mileage on your Greenway 100 chart. Register at Sports*Com between April 8 - May 6, 2018 Ages: All ages Dates:...

Natural Holiday Wreath Making

Barfield Crescent Park 697 Barfield Crescent Rd, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join us at the Wilderness Station to make your own holiday wreath adorned with fresh cedar boughs, ribbon, and all kinds of decorative accents! These wreaths look beautiful and smell amazing. All materials will be provided. Registration is required by emailing or by calling 615-217-3017.
