Scam alert

A company soliciting donations for police may have its sights set on La Vergne.

One resident contacted the police department saying the National Police Support Fund contacted her and asked for donations that would then be delivered to the La Vergne Police Department. Police Chief Mike Walker says the La Vergne Police Department is in no way affiliated with the National Police Support Fund.

If you receive a call like this, please contact the La Vergne police Non-Emergency line at (615) 793-7744. You can also contact the BBB at 1 (703) 276-0100 or file an online complaint.

A report released in November of 2017 by the Better Business Bureau in St. Louis advised residents to be cautious of phone calls or mailers soliciting donations to the organization. The BBB investigation reportedly was unable to determine who is behind the National Police Support Fund or uncover details on how the group intends to spend its donations. In an email response to the BBB, a man who identified himself as a communications consultant with National Police Support Fund, described the organization as a political action committee, not a charity. You can read that report by clicking here.

The BBB offers the following advice to consumers solicited for contributions to nonprofit groups:

  • Learn all you can about an organization before contributing. Ask for printed documentation on how much of your contribution will be used for program services and how much will go for fundraising and management expenses.
  • Most tax-exempt nonprofits are required to file what are called 990 report forms with the Internal Revenue Service every year. Potential donors can view these reports by going to
  • Whenever possible, donate directly to an organization and not through a fundraising telemarketer or a direct mail solicitation. That helps insure that most of your contribution goes directly to the organization.
  • When dealing with a charity, check with BBB for a BBB Charity Review. For a charity to receive BBB accreditation, it must meet 20 Standards of Accountability covering everything from governance to fundraising.