This Saturday, Dec. 8th – Rutherford County Fire Rescue (RCFR), the American Red Cross, and volunteers from Kittrell VFD, Lascassas VFD will canvass local neighborhoods to install free smoke alarms for residents. This is the first of many scheduled installation events, funded by the FEMA Fire Protection and Safety Grant awarded to RCFR. Yard signs have been placed in various locations throughout the area to help residents be aware of Saturday’s event. Fire Investigator Josh Sanders, of Rutherford County Fire Rescue, has announced that groups will meet at Daniel McKee School on Halls Hill Pike to gather supplies and spread out across the nearby neighborhoods. These smoke alarms and installation are free to the public.
As of August 2018, 76 fire fatalities had been reported across the State of Tennessee. A common denominator in nearly all fatal residential fires, is the absence of a working smoke alarm. Smoke alarms are the first line of defense in a fire by quickly alerting everyone in time to get out safely. Rutherford County residents can drastically reduce their chances of perishing in a fire by 50% by having a working smoke alarm in their home; this weekend’s Smoke Alarm Canvass will ensure that many more of our county residents will.
For more information on the Rutherford County Fire Rescue smoke alarm installation program, including how to request a Safe Awake hearing impaired alarm, please go online to:, or contact RCFR by phone at 615-867-4626.