RCS presents Rutherford County Sheriff's Office with Resolution of Appreciation

RCS presents Rutherford County Sheriff's Office with Resolution of Appreciation

In a gesture of gratitude and recognition, Rutherford County Schools and the Rutherford County Board of Education proudly presented the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office with a resolution of appreciation during Thursday’s board meeting.

The resolution, signed by Director of Schools Dr. Jimmy Sullivan, the RCS School Board members, and Safety Director Patty Oeser, symbolizes the respect the RCS community holds for the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office.

Rutherford County Schools recognizes the sheriff’s support and dedication to safeguarding RCS schools and events, and through the resolution, thanked the sheriff and all deputies for their exemplary service.

RCS remains dedicated to continued collaboration with the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office to create a safe and secure enviornment for learning within the county.

In recognition of the support local law enforcement provided Rutherford County Schools at the end of year graduation and promotion events, RCS would also like to thank the Sheriff’s Office, Murfreesboro Police Department, MTSU Police, and other law enforcement partners for their continued work to ensure the safety of all RCS students, faculty, and Rutherford County community.