The inaugural Chief Chip’s Last Minute Toy Store has opened registration on the City of La Vergne website while donations are also now being accepted. The last minute toy store will be on Sunday, December 18 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the La Vergne Public Library meeting room, 5063 Murfreesboro Road.
TOY DONATIONS: Donations are being accepted for the toy store. The police department asks all donations be new and unwrapped when they are dropped off at the police station, 5093 Murfreesboro Road. Donations can be made through Saturday, December 17. If you are dropping off a donation outside of normal business hours, please use the lobby phone to notify a staff member. Do not leave donations in the lobby.
REGISTRATION: Families interested in registering for Chief Chip’s Last Minute Toy Store are asked to fill out a registration form on the City’s website, Registration does not guarantee acceptance into the program and participation is by approval only.
Registration closes on Thursday, December 15 at 4:30 p.m. Those who are selected to participate will be emailed or contacted by phone and must respond no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 15 to confirm their time slot. Please be sure to check your spam folder. Approved participants will need to bring three things with them to the Last Minute Toy Store:
- A picture I.D. for the parent or guardian
- Proof of La Vergne residency (i.e. water bill, rent receipt, etc.)
- Something official showing the children’s names and date of birth like a birth certificate, government assistance card, shots record, etc.
There will be a limit as to how many toys participants can collect based on the amount of donations received.
FAIRNESS NOTICE: Out of fairness to all in need, only those families in La Vergne who have not already received toys through other toy programs will be eligible for assistance. Also, each child may only receive toys from one family member or guardian. For example, if a mother gets toys for children, a grandparent or other family member may not get toys for those same children.