Riverdale AV Production Hands-On Programs Helping Students Find Their Passion

#RCSCareerReady: Teacher Christopher Martin rewarding AV students for hard work

Micah Pailer, a junior at Riverdale High School, has always had a touch for the creative side.

Over the past few months, Pailer has channeled that creative energy into a passion for audio production, a Career and Technical Education pathway offered at Riverdale High School.

Christopher Martin is the teacher for the program, which provides students with the opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs of many different components of the audio production field.

“I’ve been working with Mr. Martin for a few months now,” Pailer says. “I’m honestly ready to get a job so I can put my money towards buying my own audio equipment.”

Martin’s goal of enhancing the experience of events started to come to life when he was able to purchase some state-of-the-art audio equipment for the school. Using the equipment and his background, Martin is able to provide students hands-on instruction — learning how to setup and operate the during events such as pep rallies, athletic contests and other school events.

“I’m happy to be able to provide this type of opportunity for our students,” says Martin. “I have a few students who want to pursue this as a career, and that’s always encouraging to have that type of impact.”

At each home football game, for example, you will see the AV Production Team set up on the track and in control of all audio before the games while the teams are warming up.

As part of the learning process, Martin allows the students to take full control of the mixing board and deejay the event.

Sydney Teichman, a sophomore at Riverdale, says the opportunity to learn the trade has had a big impact on her future plans and completely changed her academic and career path.

“I would love to keep learning about audio and eventually study it (further),” Teichman says. “Over the past few months, I have loved getting the opportunity to make our school events a fun environment while showcasing what we have been learning.”

Both students understand what they have been given and give much credit to Martin for making these opportunities for students possible.

“I’m so grateful for the opportunity,” Teichman says. “Without Mr. Martin we wouldn’t have opportunities like this.”


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