Rockvale High student Taylor Bell

Rockvale High student Taylor Bell has been named The American Legion’s Department of Tennessee 2022 Eagle Scout of the Year.

Taylor recently received the news of the award, which also includes a $3,000 college scholarship. It will be presented at the Legion’s Tennessee Convention in Franklin, Tennessee, on July 2, according to the organization.

As the Tennessee state winner, Taylor has earned the opportunity to compete in the national American Legion Eagle Scout award competition that comes with a $10,000 college scholarship.

To be eligible for the competition, Eagle Scouts must meet the following criteria: be active in his religious institution, earned the Boy Scout religious emblem for their faith and demonstrate practical citizenship in his church, school, Scouting and the community.

In addition, candidates must be a registered, active member of a Scout Troop, or Venturing Crew and be the son or daughter or grandson of a Legionnaire, Sons of the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary member. Taylor is the daughter of Mindy and Marvin Bell. Marvin is a member of American Legion Post 141 in Murfreesboro.

Taylor received her Eagle Scout Rank in February 2021, as a member of Scouts BSA Troop 2019 and Crew 197, chartered by the Trinity United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro. For her Eagle Scout project, she designed and built a K-9 obstacle course for the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office.

Taylor’s Troop 2019 is a Member of Trail of Tears District in Middle Tennessee Council. She is also the membership chairman for the Wa-Hi-Nasa Order of the Arrow Lodge.

Rockvale High student Taylor Bell