Rutherford County Schools

The Rutherford County Board of Education has unanimously adopted a plan to reopen schools in August.

At its July 9 regular meeting, the School Board adopted a plan to open schools traditionally but also will allow parents the option to choose a distance-learning option. Parents would need to commit to a semester of the option they choose to assist with the logistics of scheduling students and teachers to classes.

Under the proposal, students would return to school beginning the week of August 10. However, the board plans to consider conducting phase-in days during the first week of school to allow students to adjust to the new health guidelines and to allow school personnel to make adjustments. The Board will discuss the option for phase-in days at a special-called meeting on July 21.

The Board will also discuss the requirements for masks for students and employees at the July 21 meeting.

Over the next couple of weeks, Director of Schools Bill Spurlock and his staff will fine-tune the details and logistics of the plan and parents will be kept informed for planning purposes.