Rutherford County Schools will offer 26 school choice options for the 2023-2024 school, and the school district is hosting a Choice School Fair on Dec. 8 for parents to learn about those options and the application process.
The event will be held on Thursday, Dec. 8, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Smyrna Middle School. Representatives from each of the available schools will be on hand to meet with parents and answer questions.
The new application process replaces the former process of applying at individual schools or applying for a zone exemption. It is part of Rutherford County Schools’ effort to expand school choice options for parents based on feedback from parents and the community.
The priority application window for these schools will be Dec. 1, 2022, through Jan. 31, 2023.
More information — including a comprehensive School Choice Guide — is available on the district’s website at Questions can also be emailed to
Several schools are also hosting their own parent information nights:
- Thurman Francis Arts Academy – Nov. 28 6 p.m.
- McFadden School of Excellence – Nov. 29 6 p.m.
- Central Magnet School – Nov. 29 6 p.m.
- Homer Pittard Campus School – Dec. 1 6 p.m.
- Smyrna High School Cambridge International program – Dec. 1 6 p.m.
- Rutherford County Virtual School (contact school for details)