Sheriff's office wins state award

Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office captured first place for the third consecutive year for their category in the Tennessee Highway Safety Office’s annual Law Enforcement Challenge Award.

The sheriff’s office earned the award for the 201-500 officers category.

THSO presented the award to 44 Tennessee law enforcement agencies Friday during the annual Lifesavers Conference at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro.

The award focuses on traffic safety efforts by Tennessee law enforcement agencies.

Sgt. Michael Rodgers, who prepared the challenge book, said awards are based on public education, training, traffic enforcement activity and policy by the sheriff’s office.

Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh commended Rodgers for his work.

“This shows the dedication and hard work Michael puts in for traffic safety in this county,” Fitzhugh said. “It is gratifying to see his efforts are recognized statewide by the THSO.”

Rodgers said Fitzhugh allows the deputies to make traffic enforcement a priority.

“The award is a significant accomplishment but more for the sheriff’s office deputies who do the work,” Rogers said. “It shows the dedication on the county’s part to make sure the roads are safer in Rutherford County.”

Rodgers anticipates initiating new ideas to make program more effective in the upcoming year.

Pictured: Congratulating Patrol Sgt. Michael Rodgers for winning the Law Enforcement Challenge Award are, from left, Deputy Chief Egon Grissom, Patrol Capt. Chris Haynes, Rodgers and Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh.