Due to forecasted subfreezing temperatures and icy conditions on park roads, sidewalks and trails, all areas of Stones River National Battlefield will be closed to the public on Friday December 23, 2022.
Affected facilities include the visitor center, tour road, Stones River National Cemetery, the McFadden Farm unit, and Redoubt Brannan.
The above sites and facilities will remain closed while necessary removal or treatment takes place and conditions are reassessed. If conditions permit, the visitor center and its parking area will have a delayed opening of noon on Saturday December 24, 2022. Vehicle access will be through the Old Nashville Highway entrance. The park tour road and satellite sites will remain closed to vehicles until staff determines conditions are safe for driving.
Park status will be updated by phone at 615-904-4977 and via local media. Updates may also be found at the park’s website (https://www.nps.gov/stri) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/StonesRiverNPS).