City of Murfreesboro, TN

Central Tennessee Regional Planning Board seeking additional evidence related to Middle Point Landfill expansion application

Pursuant to a recent court ruling by the Chancery Court in BFI vs. Regional Board, the Central Tennessee Regional Solid Waste Planning Board is accepting requests from “interested persons.” The requests would expand or restrict the current record provided in court proceedings related to the Middle Point Expansion application last summer. The request to expand…

Assistant Chief Kaye Jernigan

MFRD assistant chief who broke gender barriers is retiring after more than three decades

The Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department (MFRD) first female captain and first female assistant chief is retiring after 33 years of dedicated service to the department and the City of Murfreesboro. Assistant Chief Kaye Jernigan began her career with MFRD in November 1988. She rose through the ranks as a firefighter, driver, captain, and assistant chief….

Rucker Lane Phase 1

One-mile section of Rucker Lane Phase 1 now open to Veterans Parkway and Old Salem Road

Rucker Lane Phase 1 is now open following reconstruction. The newly constructed section is open to traffic to Veterans Parkway and access to Old Salem has been restored. While open to traffic, work will continue outside the roadway as the contractor completes the work. This may result in temporary traffic interruptions. The one-mile section of…

City of Murfreesboro, TN

City announces opposition to proposed Middle Point Landfill Class Action Settlement

People who live around Middle Point Landfill are all too familiar with the noxious odors that have persistently emanated from the landfill for years. In March 2021, a class action lawsuit was filed in federal district court in Nashville against BFI Waste Systems of Tennessee, LLC, the owner and operator of Middle Point Landfill. BFI…

Under Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for January 16-22

Old Pinnacle Building Demolition Work (N Maple St at W College St) Expected No Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Site construction work continues. There will be minor traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place. Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St) Expected Road Closures: Monday through Friday: As part of the Oakland…

Murfreesboro City Hall Snow

City offices and facilities closed Jan. 6 and Jan. 7, due to inclement weather

As announced via social media, City Hall, offices, and City facilities will be closed except essential to public safety, Thursday, Jan. 6 and Friday, Jan. 7, 2022. All City meetings, including Thursday evening’s City Council meeting and public hearings, are cancelled, and will be rescheduled. Essential City services, Public Safety and Street Department for snow…

Road Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for January 2-8

Old Pinnacle Building Demolition Work (N Maple St at W College St) Expected No Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Site construction work continues. There will be minor traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place. Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St) Expected Road Closures: Monday through Friday: As part of the Oakland…