Under Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for December 1 – 7

Minor St Utility Crossing Installation Work (between Carver St and Bilbro Ave) Expected Road Closure: Tuesday through Friday: Contractor for private development will be installing utility lines across S Bilbro Ave between Sunrise Ave and Minor St. Traffic will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation. Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place. Wilkinson Pike…

Presentation Board Mercury

MHA Mercury Court Redevelopment under construction with assistance from City Community Development Department

New homes are rising like a phoenix on S. Bilbro and Minor St., replacing the old brick and cinder block buildings that for more than half a century housed low-income residents near Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. As elsewhere across the country, the need for affordable housing in Murfreesboro is a major priority. The…

Example of Urban Stream Restoration

Gasoline tanks safely removed from site for Town Creek daylighting project

The City of Murfreesboro took another step closer to the beginning of the Daylighting Town Creek project. The City project will unearth the creek that runs in a culvert from Murfree Springs wetlands at Discovery Center to Cannonsburgh Village along NW Broad Street. Engineers had discovered that a gas station operated on the property in…

Road Construction

Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects for November 17 – 23

S Bilbro Ave Utility Crossing Installation Work (between Sunrise Ct and Minor St) Expected Road Closure: Monday through Friday: Contractor for private development will be installing utility lines across S Bilbro Ave between Sunrise Ave and Minor St. Traffic will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation. Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place. Wilkinson…