Downtown Murfreesboro Calendar of Events 2023

Downtown Murfreesboro Calendar of Events 2023

Main Street Murfreesboro, a nonprofit, 501c3 has been focused on economic development, design, and promotions of the historic downtown business district for the past 38 years. Main Street Murfreesboro hosts several downtown events to bring tourism and community residents to the historic downtown business district. Free events this summer include: June 2 – Friday Night…

Farmers Market 2023

Murfreesboro Saturday Morning Farmers Market 2023

Main Street Murfreesboro, a nonprofit, 501c3 has been focused on economic development, design, and promotions of the historic downtown business district for the past 38 years. Kicking off the first event for the year on Saturday, May 6th , with the Murfreesboro Saturday Market, around the Rutherford County historic courthouse. The Murfreesboro Saturday Market is…

Property Enhancement Grant Worth $10,000 Given to Downtown Businesses

Property Enhancement Grant Worth $10,000 Given to Downtown Businesses

Main Street Murfreesboro, a nonprofit, 501c3 in the historic downtown business district focused on economic revitalization, recently awarded their first Property Enhancement grants totaling $10,000 to two downtown business owners. Main Street’s Board of Directors voted in 2021 to approve funding designated for a new grant program, which would be implemented in 2022, to encourage…

Rutherford County Historic Courthouse Design Award

Mayor Bill Ketron Accepts 2022 Downtown Design Award for Courthouse Renovations on Behalf of the County

On Tuesday, February 15th, the 37th Annual Meeting for Main Street Murfreesboro was held at the Walnut House downtown. Main Street Murfreesboro, a non-profit organization, works to promote, maintain, and enhance the downtown area of our community. Time is taken at this meeting to recognize businesses and members of the community for their work in…