Active threat training

Rutherford County emergency responders complete active threat training

Preventing an active shooter from killing people and saving lives was the goal of Rutherford County emergency responders who completed an Active Threat Integrated Response Course last year. More than 740 law enforcement officers, firefighters and paramedics working in Rutherford County were trained based on the rescue task force approach, said Sheriff’s training Lt. Chris…

Self Defense Class

City Offering Free Self-Defense Classes for Women

The La Vergne Police Department will be hosting self-defense classes for women on Saturday, January 11 from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The class is called Women’s Awareness and Response (W.A.R). It will instruct the student on the basic format of how to escape and evade. The student will also be taught basic tools/weapons, confident…

MTSU Online Degree Program

MTSU helping those who never finished their degree

Middle Tennessee State University will be a hosting “Finish Your Degree” Q&A event Wednesday, Oct. 23, at the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce in Murfreesboro. The come-and-go event will run from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 23 at the Chamber, located at 3050 Medical Center Parkway near Interstate 24. Working adults and professionals will learn…