Corona Virus Info Hotline

Rutherford County Mayor Calls Leadership Meeting to Discuss Coronavirus

Upon Governor Bill Lee delivering the news of the first COVID-19 case in Tennessee, Mayor Bill Ketron reached out to Rutherford County leaders, officials from other municipalities within the County, public safety agencies, local government communicators, Middle Tennessee State University, local hospital representatives, schools, and other county departments including the Department of Health to discuss…

American Heart Association team members stand with Rutherford County local officials

Tennessee has heart for lifesaving Telecommunicator CPR policy

A lifesaving policy known as Telecommunicator CPR (T-CPR) is gaining attention and support in Tennessee by both local and state government. During cardiac arrest – the unexpected loss of heart function – only about 1 in 10 victims survive. Successful resuscitation of victims requires an immediate response to improve their chance of survival. Telecommunicators, including…

Murfreesboro Moms Group

Murfreesboro Moms Take Stand for Sexual Assault Victims

After learning from a viral social media post that sexual assault victims must leave their underwear with investigators, a Rutherford County moms group decided to supply the emergency room at Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford with clean undergarments, slippers, and blankets for ladies in need. “As a woman, I see my underwear as my armor when…

Dr. Sellers

New Chief of Staff and Vice Chief Named at Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford

Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford is pleased to announce that a vote by the medical staff has resulted in the 2-year appointments of Dr. David Sellers as Chief of Staff and Dr. Stephen Rich as Vice Chief of Staff, effective January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021. In office as Chief of Staff, Dr. Sellers will…

Tennessee Prison for Women Transition Center

Local CEO, Surgeon, and RN Launch Program to Educate Inmates on Breast Health

On January 25, inmates at the Tennessee Prison for Women Transition Center attended a 1-hour course on breast health led by Dawn Eaton, CEO of Susan G. Komen of Central Tennessee; Dr. Robin Williams, a breast surgeon affiliated with Saint Thomas Medical Partners; and RN Kathy Serfass of Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital. Hosted in coordination…

CNA Certification at Siegel High School

Summer CNA Certification at Siegel High School

This June, Siegel High School’s Jennifer Bettag, RN, BSN, will be leading a month-long Certified Nursing Assistants class for Rutherford County Schools’ May 2020 Health Science Pathway graduates. The class is limited to fifteen applicants. The course, which fulfills an early post-secondary opportunity or EPSO credit, will run from June 1 through June 26 at…

Wear Red Day Rutherford County

Mayor Bill Ketron Proclaims February 7th as “Wear Red Day” in Rutherford County

Mayor Bill Ketron proclaims Friday, February 7 as “Wear Red Day” in Rutherford County. The proclamation also recognizes the entire month of February as “American Heart Month.” According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women. The organization seeks to save lives by raising awareness about cardiovascular disease, and…

Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital

Saint Thomas First in State to Add Doula OR Credentialing

Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital is pleased to introduce a new service for expectant mothers by becoming the region’s first hospital to offer OR credentialing for doulas, allowing these highly personalized birthing coaches to accompany women in labor to the operating room. The credentialing program requires doulas to complete a 90-minute OR simulation and to offer…