Students at McFadden Build Community, Leadership Through Beta Club

Students at McFadden Build Community, Leadership Through Beta Club

The halls of McFadden School of Excellence are swimming with bright students, creative educators and dedicated parents – all willing to go the extra mile. McFadden was originally built in 1927 in honor of Elvie McFadden, a social worker who ministered to the children of Westvue, one of the poorest areas of Murfreesboro. Elvie taught…

McFadden School of Excellence named National Blue Ribbon School

McFadden School of Excellence named National Blue Ribbon School

For a second time, McFadden School of Excellence has earned a national award placing it among the best schools in the country. The U.S. Department of Education today announced McFadden as a National Blue Ribbon School for 2019. “We recognize and honor your important work in preparing students for successful careers and meaningful lives” said…