Middle Tennessee Electric

Middle Tennessee Electric’s ad valorem tax payments help local communities

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is exempt from certain types of taxes, but it is still one of the largest taxpayers to local governments through the ad valorem tax. The Latin phrase ad valorem means “according to value.” MTE’s infrastructure, including buildings, substations, transformers, poles and lines, must be assessed annually…

Middle Tennessee Electric

Cold weather drives electric bills higher

The effects of last week’s frigid temperatures can linger longer than expected. As electric bills reflecting higher energy use from the recent cold weather begin to arrive, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) reminds members that energy assistance money is available. “Once cold weather passes and life moves on, we are sometimes shocked when we get our…

Middle Tennessee Electric

Middle Tennessee Electric suspends collections & reminds members assistance is available

Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) announced Sunday it would continue to suspend disconnections until March 2 as the area rebounds from recent winter storms. MTE encourages members to reach out if they are having trouble paying their bill. Contact MTE at 877-777-9020 or through the online portal at mtemc.com to learn more about options for assistance….

Middle Tennessee Electric

Middle Tennessee Electric provides members energy-saving tips as frigid weather approaches

As colder temperatures settle in this weekend, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) offers some simple energy-efficiency tips to help members manage their energy costs. Set your heating system’s thermostat to 68 degrees. You can add 3% to your electric bill for each degree above 68 degrees. Lower your water heater temperature to 120 degrees and reduce…

Tree Line USA

Middle Tennessee Electric Named 2021 Tree Line USA Utility

The Arbor Day Foundation has named Middle Tennessee Electric a 2021 Tree Line USA® utility to honor its commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care in the utility’s service area. This marks the third consecutive year MTE has earned this recognition. “I am proud Team MTE has once again received this honor,” said MTE…

Middle Tennessee Electric

MTE Services Back Online Following Christmas Bombing Disruptions

Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is pleased to report critical services such as service requests, outage reporting and payment processing will resume normal operation at 7 a.m. Monday. “Our team has made tremendous strides to restore or reroute communications channels so our members can have all the services they expect,” MTE President Chris Jones said. “And…

MTE & TVA Support Local Teacher

MTE & TVA Support Local Teacher’s Efforts to Heal a Community

While 2020 has been a challenge across the globe, Middle Tennessee took an extra hit in March when powerful tornadoes ripped through the area displacing hundreds of residents and devastating homes and businesses. Yet, eight months later, a positive outcome emerges as Mt. Juliet’s Green Hill High School AV Production Teacher DeAna Duncan created a…

Community Care Funds

MTE makes $80k in donations to bring $160k in support to area non-profit agencies

Many residents throughout the Middle Tennessee Electric region have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The increased needs in our communities have had an economic impact on the non-profit agencies that support these individuals. MTE continues to make contributions to ensure strong communities and affordable access to electricity. In April, the Tennessee Valley…

Middle Tennessee Electric

Middle Tennessee Electric announces new renewable green energy option

No doubt about it – renewable green energy options are important to an increasing number of people around the globe. “We want to give our members more options when it comes to purchasing renewable energy, and we’re excited to add Green Switch 100 to our offerings,” said MTE’s Distributed Energy Resources Coordinator Tim Suddoth. According…

Murfreesboro Electric Department

Middle Tennessee Electric adds two new subdistricts and two new Board Members

During the 2020 Annual Meeting held virtually Aug. 29, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) members voted to add two subdistricts to the cooperative’s Board of Directors, representing the City of Murfreesboro. On Sept. 1, MTE’s Nominating Committee appointed Ross Bradley and Dr. Shervondalonn R. Brown, who were recommended by the Murfreesboro City Council, to represent these…