Recycling Centers of Rutherford County

Rutherford County Solid Waste Limits Bulk Items and No Longer Accepts Building Materials Until Further Notice

Rutherford County Solid Waste Department announced Thursday, April 2 that bulk items will be limited to one item per household. The department has also stopped accepting building materials until further notice. These changes are the result of an increase in bulk items being taken to the centers since various “safer at home” orders have gone…

Fire Chief Chris Clark

County Hires Chris Clark as New Public Safety Director

Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron announced Tuesday that La Vergne Fire Rescue Chief Chris Clark has accepted the position of Public Safety Director for Rutherford County. “We are very excited to have Chris on board, especially to lead in the efforts to coordinate our response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mayor Ketron. In his new…

Fire Chief Chris Clark

Fire Chief resigns to take new position with Rutherford County

Fire Chief Chris Clark has submitted his resignation to the City of La Vergne after accepting a new position with Rutherford County. Clark has accepted the position of Public Safety Director for Rutherford County. His last day at La Vergne will be April 8, 2020. Chief Clark has been with the Fire Department since 2014…

Unified Rutherford County, TN

Rutherford County Mayors’ Caucus Stands United in Support of Gov. Lee’s Executive Order 22

The Rutherford County Mayors’ Caucus stands united in support of Gov. Bill Lee’s Executive Order No. 22 (Order 22) released Monday, March 30. Order 22, along with its accompanying Order 21, an expansion of the previously released Executive Order 17 restricting food and drink establishments, gyms and fitness centers, and nursing and retirement home visits,…

Ben Friend

Rutherford County Public Works Engineer Passes Professional Engineering Exam

Rutherford County Road Superintendent Greg Brooks announces Public Works Engineer Ben Friend’s accomplishment of passing the Professional Engineering Exam and earning the respective title of “licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.).” “I am proud of Ben and look forward to a long and productive professional relationship with him here at Rutherford County,” said Brooks. A 2013 graduate…

2020 Rutherford County Census 2020 Kickoff-group

2020 Census Committee kicks off yearlong education and awareness campaign

Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron was joined by some of the county’s municipal mayors and community volunteers earlier this week for an official kickoff to the yearlong awareness and education campaign leading up to the actual 2020 census that begins April 1, 2020. In partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has assembled a…

$1.3 Million in Clandestine Xanax

Investigators Seize about $1.3 Million in Clandestine Xanax

Almost $1.3 million worth of clandestine lab produced illegal pills and a powder to make Xanax were seized Monday by Rutherford County Sheriff’s narcotics detectives and state and federal investigators. Detectives seized more than 58,000 Xanax pills and one pound of pure Alprazolam powder during a search of two locations in the county, said Narcotics…