World Turtle Day

World Turtle Day May 19

Discover ways to increase turtle conservation around the world as we celebrate our shelled friends. Participate in the World’s Slowest Hike, and stop at each Turtle Station to learn about the different species that inhabit our planet. Enjoy fun activities, crafts, live animals, puppet shows, local vendors, and live music by Michael Jacobs. Fun for…



If you would like to learn how to enjoy wildlife in your backyard, then come to the Wilderness Station on Friday, March 10 at 6 p.m.   ‘Wildscaping’ will introduce you to designing and planting your yard to best provide for the wildlife that Tennessee calls home.  We will introduce the concept of using native plants…

Murfreesboro’s Most Misunderstood

Murfreesboro’s Most Misunderstood

Sometimes conflict is just a misunderstanding.  Join us on this series as we uncover the true identity of some of our most misunderstood creatures.  Presentations by professors, naturalists, and other professionals will examine behavior, threats, and wildlife-human conflict resolution. This program is free and for adults.  Saturdays starting at 9 a.m. at the Wilderness Station. …