It’s our Birthday!

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Celebrate 4 years of The Green Dragon with the Accidental Trio! We kick off our Birthday Weekend with the Accidental Trio! Special beers brewed at the Pub! Outside Games! Frivolity abounds at the Dragon.

Rutherford County Democrats host Beer with the Democrats

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

The Rutherford County Democratic Party is hosting this event, and Steven Reynolds is looking forward to seeing lots of old and new faces there.

5th of November with Cousin’s!

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Remember Remember the 5th of November! It would be treason not to put this lobster in your mouth! We'll feature revolutionarily delicious English style ales to complement the crustaceans supplied by our friends at Cousin's. Don't be the Guy to miss this explosive celebration!

Have You Met Mariah: Murfreesboro

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join us for the Have You Met Mariah tour in Rutherford County! We'll have a rally at Green Dragon Public House!

Mother’s Day With Cousin’s Maine Lobster!

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Join us Sunday and treat your mom to delicious Maine lobster and tasty libations! Cousin's will be serving up delicacies from the sea, we'll be pouring libations from our extensive tap list along with mimosas and Mary Sues. Your mom deserves it.

Poetry Reading & Open Mic

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Enjoy listening to poetry - or share some writing of your own - with Poetry in the Boro. Our featured readers will be June Hall McCash and Christopher Williams. Learn more about these poets below. This month we'll be back with our friends at The Green Dragon Public House. We'll have some complimentary snacks and...

St. Patrick’s Day at The Dragon!

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

At the Dragon, we don't believe in green beer. However, we do believe in po-ta-toes and really good stouts. Expect plenty of both on March 17! Corned beef will also be involved. For the first time, we were able to obtain the talents of Caleb and Ron (Muddy Boots) to play this event! Libations will...

Cousin’s Maine Lobster at The Dragon!

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Our 3rd Anniversary conntinues with lobster and beer! Cousin's will bring their delicious lobster rolls to the Dragon, we are open on a Sunday just for them. Outdoor dining will be available, weather permitting. In case of rain, the pub and brewhouse will be our refuge. Don't miss these delicious crustaceans!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Us!

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

We celebrate our 3rd Anniversary with a party of Special Magnificence! Beer and food specials, giveaways, frolicking on the lawn. Kimberly is making her delicious crawfish etouffee! We are serving ale inside and outside of the pub. Games will be had: Our head Gamemaker is not Plutarch Heavensbe, but Gimli, Gloin's son. He is bringing...

Uncle Don at The Green Dragon in March

The Green Dragon Public House 714 F West Main St, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Great food and drink. All ages. Free admission. Arrive early for best parking and seating.