Condensation mirror

It’s no secret that Murfreesboro summers bring hot weather, pop-up storms, and humid air. When the air systems in our home are all working fine, stepping inside is a well-deserved respite from the heat and humidity. But when something goes wrong, even our house can feel like a steamy sauna. If the air in your home is feeling sticky and humid, it could mean there are issues with your air conditioner, or something more.


The first thing to know about humidity in your home is that it’s completely natural. Living in Middle Tennessee, it’s unavoidable to some extent. Our routine daily activities produce moisture — doing laundry, washing dishes, showering, or even breathing. Most homes in Murfreesboro are built with a basement or crawl space, which can also bring in humid air if it’s not properly encapsulated. While you can’t avoid producing moisture, too much can affect the health of your home and your family. Ideally, the humidity levels in your home should be between 40-55%. If you’re noticing things feel excessively sticky during the hot Murfreesboro summer, or there is excess condensation during the winter, your inside air might likely has too much moisture.

Pro tip: Get a hygrometer/humidity monitor (or two) to measure relative humidity levels in your home. You can pick them up inexpensively on Amazon or a local hardware store.


Too much humidity in your home can have effects both on your family and your possessions:

Bacterial Growth – Bacteria thrive in warm, damp environments. This is bad news for Murfreesboro residents! To combat this, be sure to keep an eye on places you know will have more moisture than others (like bathrooms or the basement). The earlier you catch it the better. Bacteria also thrive in dark places with low air circulation. Check closets, draperies, and rugs that haven’t been moved in a while.

Bugs and Mites – Dust mites are one of the most common causes of asthma in Middle Tennessee. They like warm, humid air. In fact, they can barely survive indoors in temperatures below 71 degrees Fahrenheit and in relative humidity below 45%.

Electronics are susceptible to damage from moisture,
which can corrode wires and circuitry. Dramatic
humidity changes can cause them to short circuit.

Health Effects – Bacterial spores, allergens, and dust mites can cause allergy flare-ups for you and your family. If you notice

that your eyes are watering excessively, you’re sneezing, or have a runny nose, it could be a sign of excess humidity in the air (as if allergies in Murfreesboro weren’t bad enough).


If you notice your home has high levels of humidity, here are a few things you can do to get it back to
optimal range.

Air Conditioning – An efficient air conditioning system will reduce moisture in your home. Cold air holds less moisture than warm air, so your AC will remove moisture from the air it circulates. If your AC is running and the air still feels humid, call a Murfreesboro HVAC professional for help.

Exhaust Fans – Pay special attention to the rooms in your home that naturally have more moisture, such as your bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. Make sure to run exhaust fans to pull moist air from inside, especially in the summer. Check your dryer vent to make sure it’s sending warm, damp air outdoors.

Windows and Storm Doors – While these have a greater effect in the winter, new windows and doors can improve your home’s energy efficiency in any season. During cold months, double-pane windows are particularly helpful in reducing the effects of cold air on interior surfaces.

Air Circulation – Leave doors open so air can circulate between rooms. Check to make sure your air vents are open so you can keep air flowing throughout your home.

Pipes – Insulate cold water pipes to prevent condensation in warm summer months. Dripping water can get behind walls and produce bacterial growth.

Dehumidifier – The most effective way to reduce the humidity in your home is to use a dehumidifier. If you’ve been a Murfreesboro resident for long, you know that basements or crawl spaces can be overly damp year-round. You can find dehumidifier options for every area of your home. If you have questions, ask your HVAC professional what the best option is for you.


When it feels like the humidity has followed you into your home, take action before it leads to bigger problems. If you have questions about how to take action, call us today!