2023 Journeys In Community Living’s Annual Heart Tree

For the 27th year, Journeys In Community Living’s Annual Heart Tree is on display until Friday, December 15, in the lobby at 1130 Haley Road, representing wishes for the individuals we support.

The Annual Heart Tree program provides gifts to adults with disabilities served by the agency, many of whom do not have family members left to spend the holidays with. The individuals who receive gifts from the Heart Tree might not otherwise receive one on Christmas morning if not for your generosity!

We invite the community to participate in this rewarding way of giving by selecting a heart(s) from the tree (located in the lobby at 1130 Haley Road), letting the receptionist know the number listed on each heart, purchasing and wrapping the gift and returning it to JICL.

There is also a virtual option. Visit our website at www.journeystn.org, click on the Christmas tree in the upper lefthand corner, and follow the instructions to select a gift or gifts for an individual.

All gifts must be returned to Journeys in Community Living’s office by 4 p.m. Friday, December 15, 2023. Gifts may be dropped off or mailed to 1130 Haley Road, Murfreesboro, TN, 37129. If you plan to drop off, our regular office hours are Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. For questions, please get in touch with Rachel Burch at rachel.burch@journeystn.org.

2023 Journeys In Community Living's Annual Heart Tree